Hello and Happy New Year Dearest Clients,
Hello Nemzotics Seekers, Ohio and LA Clients and curious ones!
Spring of 2024, we will be launching a podcast where you can call in, and get support, guidance. Special Guests will join me!
Ohio in February! What a wonderful trip it was! Feb 9-24th.
Met with colleagues (Lucy Mills, Amanda Conn, Fran Kerg, Cathie Drumm and Johanna Vine)- taught Understanding the Language of the Electromagnetic Field, at the Global Anatomy in Energetic Education in Dublin, owned by Lucy Mills BCPP, RPE just outside of Columbus. I saw clients at the wonderful New Directions Learning Center in Oak Harbor owned by Amanda Conn LMT, and visited Mary Jo Ruggieri’s favorite Indian Restaurant and saw Fran Kerg’s Healing Center in Lakewood. I met up with Johanna Vine at the BlackBird Bakery in Lakewood. Such wonderfully gifted colleagues!
We are in the ascending moments from 3D to 5D and it isn’t for sissies! Please join me for a session, on zoom or in person. Call 818-427-8447 for an appointment!
Lisa Nemzo CST PTP